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Green Jobs in High Demand Among Gen Z in the UAE: A Call for Sustainable Careers

In the UAE, nearly 60% of Gen Z professionals are seeking careers that contribute to environmental preservation. This growing interest in green jobs highlights the younger generation's concern for climate change and its impact on their mental health, with 56% reporting that the issue affects their well-being.

Awareness and Opportunities in Green Careers

Despite the high demand for green jobs, only three in ten Gen Z professionals have a good awareness of the available roles in this sector, according to LinkedIn's recent research. Additionally, 63% of Gen Z believe that the job market lacks sufficient green opportunities, and only 16% feel there are enough training programs to help them acquire the necessary skills.

Ali Matar, growth markets leader for EMEA at LinkedIn, emphasises the importance of listening to Gen Z, who are expected to make up over a quarter of the international workforce by 2025. Matar notes that this generation is increasingly vocal about their desire for green policies that align with their values and are keen to play a role in addressing environmental challenges.

The Need for Green Skills

For Gen Z professionals interested in green jobs, acquiring the necessary skills is the first crucial step. This endeavour requires support from all labour market actors to provide training and education in green skills. LinkedIn’s data shows that while the UAE is second in the MENA region for green talent concentration across generations, Gen Z is underrepresented compared to Millennials, who make up 65% of green-skilled professionals.

The Impact of Eco-Anxiety

Climate change is a significant concern for 72% of Gen Z, with many experiencing eco-anxiety. This anxiety has driven more than half of the respondents to make lifestyle changes to reduce their carbon footprint, and 61% now consider environmental impact in their daily decisions.

Steps to Enhance Green Careers

For younger workers aspiring to break into green jobs, strengthening digital and STEM skills is essential. LinkedIn data indicates that these skills significantly increase the chances of transitioning into green careers successfully. Employers and educational institutions must collaborate to create more training opportunities and raise awareness of the green job market.

At Involved, we recognise the importance of supporting Gen Z's pursuit of green careers. As this generation becomes a dominant force in the workforce, their commitment to sustainability can drive significant positive change. By fostering green skills and creating more opportunities in the green job sector, we can help shape a more sustainable future and address the urgent environmental challenges of our time.